Maalot has had an awesome start to second month! On Sunday morning, we said a sad goodbye to our first month chanichim (campers) and readied ourselves for our second session campers to move in. Two session campers spent their days in Portsmouth with their families, going to Walmart and Target, getting haircuts and ice cream. Although the chanichim enjoyed their time outside of camp, we were so excited for them to come back in the afternoon so that we could continue our summer.
Everyone was back in the tzrif (bunk) by the late afternoon and we all hung out together, getting back in the groove of Yavneh. Some chanichim chose to audition for Arts Fest, an annual intercamp singing and dancing festival; they met back up with the rest of the aydah (age group) for dinner, which was an incredible first meal of chicken fingers and mashed potatoes. After dinner, we had a peulat erev (nighttime activity) where we played knockout, dizzy izzies, and had an intense, aydah-wide dance off.
Today, Maalot got to choose their morning chug (elective) and their kitah (class). In the afternoon, we will begin the new elective program sadna. Looking forward, today we will begin observing the nine days leading up to Tisha B’av, the fast day that commemorates the destruction of the Beit Hamigdash.
Josh and Helen