This week was a banner week. We watched in awe as our madrichim welcomed and embraced both new and old campers. By now, our chanichim have all settled into a routine and are forging friendships and trying new peulot and taking steps outside their comfort zone. Whether it’s jumping into arisa gimel for the first time or performing in a Havdallah dance, each new experience can have the potential to bring anticipation and a little anxiety, but our tzevet is here to cheer our chanichim on. We are so proud of our chanichims’ growing independence.
Last week we celebrated a peaceful Shabbat with tefillot that were filled with ruach and song. Chanichim had the chance to take a break from the daily schedule and relax, swim in the Agam, play games, go on walks, participate in sports, and read. Already the chanichim are looking forward to this upcoming Shabbat, as are we.
Shabbat shalom umevurach,
Davida and Meir