Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
August 07, 2017

Kfirim Aug. 7th Updates!

Author - Camp Yavneh

Kfirim has been having so much fun! Thursday was achla yom and we went to Pawtuckaway to swim in the lake and hang out. The chanichim all had a lot of fun that day both in and out of the water. We got back to camp and had a B’nai Mitzvah party in the evening. It was so much fun! We had a DJ playing music and running everyone’s favorite games, including Coke and Pepsi, musical chairs, and so much more. We spray painted t-shirts with designs that the chanichim created. They came out really cool! There was also a tattoo station and a photo booth in which chanichim were able to take pictures with awesome props. We also had a food bar outside with chips and salsa as well as a punch bowl. It was a really great night!

Shabbat was amazing as always. There was a lot of spirit and the chanichim enjoyed themselves a lot. They loved free time and had a great day!

We were sad to see our Kaytana chanichim leave yesterday, although it was great that they all had an amazing time and can’t wait to come back next year! Yesterday afternoon was typical for camp but the evening was extra special. Younger Kfirim did a Ma’apilim activity in which they were taken in camp vans to the other side of the agam (lake), had to boat across the agam, and sneak into camp past “British soldiers.” Sneaking into camp was a simulation of sneaking into Israel. The chanichim had a really great time. The older Kfirim chanichim did a dance activity in which they were divided into groups, given a song, and created a dance to that song. They then performed the song for the rest of the aydah.

We are preparing for an overnight tomorrow night. Older Kfirim is going to White Lake and younger Kfirim is going to Pawtuckaway. We are all very excited!


Adam and Danni