Phew, what a crazy and eventful week it’s been for the lively Leviim. Here’s what you missed:
We zoom in on monday night – the עדה was split up, so the boys and girls split up for their own פעולות ערב (night activities). The boys participated in ערב horror, which centered around a haunted house obstacle course that our חניכים ( campers ) bravely went through. The girls did a dance off, showing their flare for the fiery music and were filled with such intensity that they’ve been requested to dance competitively for our nation in this summer’s Olympics!
Enter Tuesday. a sunny day that saw the likes of free swim, speed-ball, and smiles for the חניכים before a very deep and moving פעולת ערב, coffeehouse, where the חניכים were broken up into groups and discussed a range of serious topics and personal issues.
Wednesday is next on our weekly train, and this train made a stop on the Sands of Wallis, a beach that is an hour away from the מחנה (camp), where the חניכים played in the waves and enjoyed some canjam,spike-ball and free-time on the beach. Afterwards, the חניכים returned back to camp to enjoy a tasty barbecue before gathering for a bunch of dosey-doe’s and swinging via ערב flannel ( flannel night) Square dancing.
Coming up next- a nice end to the lengthy שבוע ( week ) and then our second to last שבת of first session. stay tuned!
Avi and Emma