Kerem (Counselors in Training)
Kerem, our oldest Ayda (division) in camp for rising 11th graders, is the culminating experience of a camper’s Camp Yavneh journey. Our Kerem chanichim (campers) hold a unique position in our camp, as the leaders of many special programs and activities, and as role models for the rest of the camper community.
Kerem is:
- An incredible learning opportunity
- A chance for personal growth and leadership development
- A way to begin making the transition from being a chanich/a (camper) to being a madrich/a (counselor)
- A special experience that gives participants a chance to form deep and meaningful relationships with our younger campers
- A way for participants to make an important impact and leave a positive legacy at Camp Yavneh
- An amazing summer of bonding and fun with the rest of the Kerem ayda
In addition to the CIT experience, Kerem campers have the opportunity to:
- Delve deeply into learning about Israeli culture and community in preparation for their Na’aleh summer (for Camp Yavneh’s rising 12th grade campers)
- Design and execution of a Kerem chesed project
- Experience special Kerem trips and “Yemei Achla” including a two-day whitewater rafting excursion and a day trip to Boston
- Play special leadership roles on Shabbat, including leading Friday night Z'mirot, giving a Shabbat morning Dvar Torah, and leading Kiddush.
In order to be accepted into the Kerem program, you must demonstrate maturity, responsibility, good behavior, good peer relations, a commitment to Klal Yisrael, and the ability to supervise younger children independently for short periods of time.
Kerem requires a full summer commitment.
Kerem 2024 Dates: Monday, June 24 – Thursday, August 15, 2024
The structure of the program and the size of our tzrifim (bunks) mean we must limit the number of Kerem campers we can accept. The application process is designed to be as fair as possible for everyone. All Kerem applicants must submit a written application and participate in an interview with members of Yavneh’s senior leadership team. An evaluation of each applicant’s Maalot summer will also be considered. If accepted, the Camp Director will write to participants welcoming them into the program and discussing pre-summer preparation activities.
To apply now, please complete the following three steps:
A parent/legal guardian must fill out the regular Kayitz 2024 application on CampInTouch.
The camper applicant must fill out this application form. Please answer all questions in detail.
The camper applicant must schedule an interview here.
If you have any questions about the Kerem experience, please contact Camp Yavneh Director Jane-Rachel Schonbrun (janerachel@campyavneh.org).
Next: Na'aleh