Health Information
The Marp, Health Center, is well-equipped and professionally staffed. Our resident nurses work hand-in-hand with our rotating physician on staff. The Marp is equipped to treat basic ailments. In case of emergencies, the nearest hospital is 30 minutes from camp. In addition, Northwood has an emergency medical team and is part of the NH 911 system. If for any reason your child needs to be taken to the hospital, the camp medical staff will call you.
In summer 2021, thanks to the generosity of donors including a grant through the Weinberg Foundation Yashar grant, Yavneh is renovating and expanding the Marp. We will now have eight private “wards” for members of our community who need to have an extended (overnight) stay in the Marp. We will also have a Centering Room, which will be a reset space for campers and staff that can be utilized by community members in times of need. The Marp is now handicapped accessible and equipped with ADA compliant restrooms.
Medical Care Overview
Keeping campers healthy and safe at Camp Yavneh is of utmost importance. It is critical that you inform us of any allergy, health, diet, personal habits, physical limitations and/or behavioral issues. This includes any professional assistance you have sought for the treatment of such problems. All disclosures are kept in professional confidence. Such information is crucial to enable our senior staff to assign, train and supervise our counselors to best serve the needs of your camper. All health information must be submitted in writing through your CampInTouch account by May 2, 2021. Please do not plan to suspend or change medication dosages for the summer.
Parent Notification
Parents will be notified as soon as possible if emergency treatment is necessary. If a camper is kept in the Marp overnight, parents will also be notified. If your child/ren is ill at the start of camp, please keep them at home until they are feeling well enough to come to camp.
Forms + Vaccination Policy
In compliance with the State of New Hampshire, as well as the American Camping Association (ACA) regulations, all campers are required to have a physical examination completed within 12 months of attending camp. All campers and staff are required to be immunized per the Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule as published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. In order for your camper to be admitted to camp, you must provide written documentation of immunizations.
Parents must upload several documents that are in compliance with both the State of New Hampshire and ACA. These documents will be accessible through your CampInTouch account. If you haven’t already done so, please make an appointment with your camper’s medical provider (MD, DO, NP, PA) for his/her annual exam. We urge you to let us know as much as possible about your child’s medical/emotional history as this information is pertinent to their welfare while in camp. All information is confidential and is only shared with those professionals directly involved in their care.

Camp Yavneh partners with J Drugs for prescription administration at camp. J Drugs provides specialized medication packaging (camp-pack) to assist campers with their medications. Each pack includes all of the camper’s medications separated by day and time. The medications are sealed into the package and distributed to Camp Yavneh. Multi-dose packaging ensures that each camper receives the right medication at the right time. The packaging makes medication administration fast and above all safe. In addition, camp-pack is portable which allows for easy transport on trips outside of camp. J Drugs will submit a claim to your insurance company for prescription coverage. They will also arrange OTC medications as we also require that they come to camp through J Drugs.
In addition to the cost of medication and/or your co-pay, J Drugs charges $25 for packaging. They will submit to your insurance company for prescription coverage. They will also arrange OTC medications.
Please note the following:
● This program is mandatory. Campers who do not arrive at camp with their medications, vitamins, or supplements packaged by J Drugs will be subject to a $50 rush fee to fill their prescriptions through J Drugs. Medications will not be accepted from any source other than J Drugs.
● J Drugs accepts NYS Medicaid, and all major insurances.
● If you are tapering or changing medication, please fill out the form prior to the deadline and put a note saying that you are not sure of dosage/meds to avoid incurring a late fee.
All medications to be taken at camp must come through J Drugs. This includes all vitamins and supplements as well as chewables and liquid medication. Please avoid sending liquid if possible; chewable is preferred. If your child needs allergy medication on an ongoing basis you must order it from J Drugs. If you know that your child will only need allergy medication on an infrequent basis, you do not need to order these in advance. Please do not send Miralax or Lactaid. These will be provided at camp free of charge. Inhalers, nasal sprays, topical creams (prescription and over-the-counter), and Epi-pens do not need to be ordered through J Drugs. Please send two inhalers and remember to check the expiration dates. Please send two packs of Epi-pens (four total pens), two to be kept in the bunk and two to be kept with the medical staff. Please be sure to check expiration dates. We do not accept expired medicine.
Other than inhalers, creams, nasal sprays and EpiPens, no medications are allowed to be kept in the bunk, per state law. Camp carries most over-the-counter medications, in generic form, including Tylenol, Advil, Sudafed, cough syrup, Benadryl, antidiarrheal medication, cold medicine (combination), stool softener, Pepto-Bismol, etc. These will be given on a short-term basis only. If any of these medications are taken daily, you must order them through J Drugs.
Please note that late orders will be subject to a $50 rush fee charged by J Drugs. The form for ordering medication is available in the J Drugs FAQ sheet in each family’s Forms & Documents dashboard.
Children who wear eyeglasses should bring an extra pair in case of loss or breakage. Shatterproof lenses are recommended. Broken eyeglasses will be sent out to be repaired. Please label all eyeglasses.

All campers are required to have medical insurance while at camp. Onsite camp medical staff only provide basic treatment: visits to specialists, hospitals or urgent care centers are not covered by camp and the child’s insurance will be contacted. Any medications prescribed while at camp will also need to be covered by insurance.
There is not a dentist at camp, so please make sure that your child is in good dental health prior to the start of camp. In case of an emergency, campers will be taken to the nearest dentist/orthodontist at the parent’s expense.
Specific Medical Concerns
Camp Yavneh uses a professional lice inspection and removal service. If your child is found to have lice on check in, this company will treat your child with the latest non invasive technology. The fee for lice treatment is $220.
The Camp Yavneh staff is aware of the Lyme disease issue in the Northeast. The camp property is treated at the beginning of the camp season to reduce our tick population. Our medical staff is up to date on symptoms and treatment procedures. Counselors are trained during orientation on prevention and symptoms.
Any dietary concerns, including food allergies, should be discussed with Netanel Spiegel, COO/CFO, prior to the start of camp. You can reach him at netanel@campyavneh.org or 617-580-3455. Your child/ren’s physician needs to send any special dietary needs in writing; ideally, on the physician’s segment of the health form in your CampInTouch account.
Bedwetting is discreetly handled on a case-by-case basis in the bunks. If your child has a problem with enuresis (bedwetting), please contact one of the nurses at nurse@campyavneh.org or 603-942-5593. Parents must send one or two zippered plastic mattress covers as well as extra bedding. A quilt or thin sleeping bag is preferred because we do not have commercial washing machines at camp.