1. The cost of the program is $500. Payments should be made to Camp Yavneh no later than February 14th, 2025. If submitted after the February 14th deadline, registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis pending availability. No refund of Shabbaton or bus fees can be made for cancellations after February 14th. All cancellations must be made in writing.
2. Rules presented to campers on the Shabbaton are to ensure the safety and quality of the program for all participants. Use or possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons; abuse, defacement or theft of property; breaking curfew; unauthorized absence from programs or program sites; or failure to cooperate with Camp Yavneh staff in all facets of the scheduled program, will result in disciplinary action and subsequent consequences for the summer of 2025.
3. Should severe infractions occur, Camp Yavneh reserves the right to dismiss the camper from the program and immediately transfer the camper home at the expense of the participant’s family, with no refund of any tuition payments.
4. Camp Yavneh may use photographs or videos of the campers in connection with the Shabbaton for publicity purposes.
5. Camp Yavneh will not be held responsible for theft, loss or damage to campers’ personal property.
6. In the event that Camp Yavneh believes that the camper is in need of medical treatment or hospital consultation, treatment or admission, every effort will be made to contact a parent/guardian for authorization. Should Camp Yavneh be unable to establish contact with a parent/guardian, such care is hereby authorized.
7. I understand that I am responsible for payment of the program fee and any additional costs incurred on our behalf. I certify that I have read the above agreements and regulations, that the information provided is true, and that I will inform Camp Yavneh of any relevant changes. I understand that my child will abide by the behavioral expectations and rules set by Camp Yavneh as outlined above.