Yedidut is Hebrew for friendship. The Yedidut program at Camp Yavneh is a continuously growing and evolving initiative. We are proud to offer Jewish children with a wide range of disabilities the opportunity for growth in the areas of Jewish identity, socialization, independence, and much more. Through our commitment to the mission of Klal Yisrael, Camp Yavneh aims to support campers with special needs via an inclusion model. Rosh Yedidut works to create an individualized program to provide the supports each camper needs within their same-age peer age group and be successful throughout the summer. Through an individualized and inclusive approach, campers become immersed in a traditional Jewish summer camp.
The Yedidut program allowed my child with special needs to successfully attend Camp Yavneh. Because of their challenges, they go to a non-Jewish school during the year, it is especially important to build that sense of Jewish belonging in camp. Thank you for this program, it has been life changing.
Our goal at Camp Yavneh is to support as wide a range of campers as possible to participate in all parts of camp through fun experiences, shared group meals, and lasting peer friendships. We strive to teach our campers through direct experience, to not only value, but foster a diverse community.

About Our Yedidut Campers
If you’re considering the Camp Yavneh Yedidut Program for your child with special needs, we encourage you to do two things:
(1) Submit your child’s application through our system. This will hold your child’s spot while we are working with you to determine if Camp Yavneh is the right fit.
(2) Email Elizabeth Chipkin, Rakezet Yedidut (Inclusion Coordinator) to schedule a time to chat so we can learn more about your child. This will likely be followed by outreach from our camp team to professionals important in your child’s life (e.g., teachers, therapists, support staff, etc). This pre-camp process will enable our Rakezet Yedidut to understand what supports your child may need in order to be successful at overnight camp, and to determine if Camp Yavneh is able to offer those supports.
In alignment with our values of K’lal Yisrael and our commitment to inclusion, there is no additional charge for the Yedidut program. If it is determined that Camp Yavneh will not be the right fit for your child, we will give you a full refund of all tuition payments made to that point.